
Global variables

Global variables

A variable is called global if it is known in all modules. For example, it makes sense to always know which user is currently working on the system.

Most global variables are therefore also defined within the modules of the system logon. (A variable is defined in InstantView®using the GlobalVar(variableName) statement)

Variable Description Object Type Module
businessPeriod Financial period CX_BUSINESS_PERIOD Project file
businessYear Financial year CX_BUSINESS_YEAR Project file
cyberEnterprise Client CX_CYBER_ENTERPRISE login.mod
defaultCurrency Standard currency CX_UNIT initsdat.mod
loggedIn User logged in BOOLEAN login.mod
sessionDate Date of meeting CX_DATE initsdat.mod
user User CX_USER login.mod
userID User abbreviation STRING login.mod
userPassword Password STRING login.mod


Editing module

Message Parameters Command Description
LIST_xxxxxx Collection or NULL ListObjects Display list window, if there is only one object in the collection, the message EDIT_xxxx is triggered
EDIT_xxxxxxx Collection or NULL EditObject (New) Edit object
DELETE_xxxxxxx Object Deletexxxxx Delete object
xxxx_CREATED Object Object was created
xxxx_CHANGED Object Object was changed
xxxx_DELETED Object Object was deleted
LOAD_xxxxxxx none LoadObjects Data import, load data from ASCII file

Selection module

Message Parameters Command Description
SELECT_xxxx Collection or NULL ListObjects Show selection window
xxxx_SELECTED Object or collection of objects One (or more) object(s) was (were) selected

Operational business